Our Team

Trent Rosenbloom, MD
Medical Director
Internal Medicine & Pediatrics

Dr. Rosenbloom is a board-certified internist and pediatrician who has been with ConnectUS Health since 2000, and the medical Director since 2010. He is a generalist by training and experience, who is ready to see patients of all ages, and has a specialty practice in performing neonatal circumcisions. Dr. Rosenbloom is fluent in English and French. He was first drawn to community health more than 20 years ago as Nashville was first building Clinics on site around town in communities that had need. He partnered with faculty in the Vanderbilt School of Nursing at the time to staff these clinics; Many of the same people now lead the organization. He has enjoyed the journey of seeing the clinic evolve from a small practice, taking up a couple rooms in the nearby public high-rise to a freestanding clinic serving a broad community of patients from diverse backgrounds.